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January 23, 2023

New USDOT Resources to Help Communities Thrive | January 23, 2023

Highlights and New Resources

  • Last year, the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) published its National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) which outlines the Department’s comprehensive approach to significantly reducing serious injuries and deaths on our Nation’s highways, roads, and streets. This month, USDOT released a dashboard to show progress on the steps the Department is taking to implement the NRSS.

  • USDOT is committed to growing small businesses and building community wealth. New Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) resources help meet this goal by providing $10 million in FY 2022 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise/Supportive Services (DBE/SS) program funding to 47 State DOTs to provide training and business development services to eligible small businesses to improve their ability to compete as prime and subcontractors on federally assisted contracts. Learn more about USDOT’s DBE Program.

  • DOT created the 2023 Discretionary Grant Preparation Checklist for Prospective Applicants to help local governments prepare for the year ahead and chart a strategic pathway to take advantage of historic infrastructure investments to build good projects well.

  • Did you know that the General Services Administration (GSA) maintains a dashboard of every project funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) across the United States? Visit the GSA BIL Maps Dashboard to see what projects are being supported in your community.

Upcoming Events

  • Save the date! On February 8, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. EST, USDOT is hosting a one-hour webinar to highlight a number of new resources created to help stakeholders apply for Federal grant programs and access technical assistance. More information about the webinar will be distributed soon.

  • USDOT is collaborating with Midwest Urban Strategies (MUS) to host a webinar on Transportation and Workforce on February 8, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. CST (register here). Transit agencies in Department of Labor (DOL) Region 5 (Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin) and those in Pennsylvania (DOL Region 2) may be particularly interested in participating in this webinar. USDOT and DOL plan to hold similar webinars in other DOL regions in the future.

  • The Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) is the cornerstone of Federal grants and financial assistance but can be complicated to understand, especially for new USDOT grantees. The National Highway Institute (NHI) is offering a free web-based training on Understanding the Uniform Guidance Requirements (2 CFR 200) for Federal Awards. This course will help new grant recipients locate provisions within 2 CFR 200, understand the applicability of 2 CFR 200 to Federal awards, and know the general government-wide requirements for Federal awards.

  • The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) will host six day-long Amtrak Long Distance Service Study regional working group meetings in four locations across the country starting at the end of January. Attendees will include regional stakeholders, including State DOTs, Class I Railroads, Amtrak, key Metropolitan Planning Organizations, passenger rail organizations, regional rail organizations, and others. Attendees will be able to participate virtually and/or livestream the workshops. The meetings are scheduled as follows:
  • Southeast Region Working Group Meeting: January 31 in Washington, DC
  • Northeast Region Working Group Meeting: February 3 in Washington, DC
  • Central Region Working Group Meeting: February 7 in Jackson, Mississippi
  • Midwest Region Working Group Meeting: February 9 in Chicago, Illinois
  • Northwest Region Working Group Meeting: February 14 in Denver, Colorado
  • Southwest Region Working Group Meeting: February 15 in Denver, Colorado

Upcoming Funding Opportunities Spotlight

Dozens of FY 2023 funding announcements are currently open or will be open soon. Visit and bookmark this DOT webpage for the full list of anticipated dates for Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) for key programs within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Investment Reduction Act.

Each month, the Thriving Communities Program and DOT Navigator will spotlight a few NOFOs that are currently open, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. Visit the Key Notices of Funding Opportunity page for additional information.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

  • The National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program is an annual competitive grant program that awards grants to eligible entities for projects for the replacement, removal, and repair of culverts or weirs that meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish. Anadromous fish species are born in freshwater such as streams and rivers, spend most of their lives in the marine environment, and migrate back to freshwater to spawn. Applications are due on February 6, 2023.

  • Transportation fatalities and injuries severely impact the quality of life in Indian country. The application deadline for the FY 2022-2026 Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund NOFO has been extended to March 9, 2023. Only federally recognized tribes are eligible to apply. Eligible projects for the TTP Safety Fund include: development and revision of transportation safety plans, crash data improvement, road safety audits, and other activities, primarily infrastructure improvements, as listed in 23 U.S.C. 148(a)(4). More information is available on the Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF) webpage.

  • Visit the FHWA BIL webpage for more information on current and upcoming discretionary grant opportunities.

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

  • FRA’s Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program has made available more than $11 billion for capital projects that reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service for projects located both on the Northeast Corridor (FSP-NEC) and off the Northeast Corridor (FSP-National). Applications for FSP-National are due by 5 p.m. ET on March 7, 2023, and applications for FSP-NEC are due by 5 p.m. ET March 27, 2023. Visit FRA’s webinars webpage (Grants and Loans drop-down) to view recent webinars on these two funding opportunities. Register for upcoming Information Sessions on Major Capital Projects (January 26, 2023), and Project Narrative and Statement of Work sections of the grant application (February 7, 2023) on FRA’s Rail Program Delivery Webinar Series: Grants & Loans webpage.

  • FRA recently published the Notice of Solicitation of Corridor Proposals and Funding Opportunity for the Corridor Identification and Development Program for eligible entities to participate in the Corridor Identification and Development (Corridor ID) Program. Authorized by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Corridor ID Program creates a framework to facilitate the development of new, enhanced, and restored intercity passenger rail corridors throughout the country. Applications for selection and funding under the Corridor ID Program are due no later than 5 p.m. ET March 20, 2023. A webinar on the Corridor ID Program is planned for February 9, 2023. 

  • If you would like to be added to FRA’s mailing list to learn about future trainings and events, please subscribe and select Program Delivery announcements. If you have specific questions about a NOFO, contact

Maritime Administration (MARAD)

  • The Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) is a discretionary grant program administered by MARAD. Funds for the PIDP are awarded on a competitive basis to projects that improve the safety, efficiency, or reliability of the movement of goods into, out of, around, or within a port. The PIDP provides funding to ports in both urban and rural areas for planning and capital projects. It also includes a statutory set-aside for small ports to continue to improve and expand their capacity to move freight reliably and efficiently and support local and regional economies. Applications for the FY 2023 PIDP NOFO are due on April 23, 2023.


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