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June 6, 2023

BIL Sub-working Group May 10, 2022

IIJA SWG Action Plans — Finalize Plans to ensure successful implementation of IIJA. Specific FY 2023 actions are as follows:

1. Safety — Set aside 30 percent of the IIJA funding for Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) for both state and local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) components.

2. Fix-it-First — State and local bridge owners will identify poor condition bridges for rehabilitation or replacement using IIJA funding.

3. Reimaging Highway Investments/Carbon Reduction Program — Develop the Carbon Reduction Strategy in consultation with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and research support from the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies.

4. Climate Resilience and Adaptation — This SWG will serve as a hub for coordination with local and regional agencies on the development of the PROTECT Program Resilience Improvement Plans. Future meetings will serve as a place to exchange ideas, support the development of plans, and to identify opportunities for collaboration and alignment between jurisdictions.

5. Active Transportation — Continue to explore pathways to increase dedicated investments to active transportation.

6. Transition to Zero Emissions — Continue working with the CEC to develop the solicitation for California’s NEVI program. We expect the solicitation to be released in Quarter 1 of 2023.

7. Local Hire/Contracting/Workforce Development — Implement and incentivize local hire and contract provisions that encourage disadvantaged job seekers and small businesses participate in and benefit from these investments. Align new workforce development efforts with existing successful training programs and job placement coordination.

8. Transit and Commuter Rail — Coordinate with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to prioritize and expedite commercial driver’s license preparation, testing, and processing for bus drivers.

9. Intercity Passenger Rail — Develop a funding strategy for rail projects and initiatives that mitigate climate change and natural disaster threats, including short-term substitution and restoration of train services disrupted by track damage and long-term projects to reinforce or relocate vulnerable passenger rail lines.

10.Freight and Goods Movement — Complete the State Freight Plan development and increase membership to the California Freight Advisory Committee (CFAC) based on IIJA requirements, so California can appropriate National Highway Freight Program funding.

11. Overall Funding Split between State/Local and Across Programs — Reconvene the SWG to negotiate the formula funding splits for years 2-5.

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